Sunday, February 23, 2014

Search for your dreams…….

Under the green-and-brown tree I sat
The late afternoon sun has lazily cast
Its long shadow beside me
That gives me fine company

A light breeze……and my eyes have closed
Ah! I wish I could dream, I thought as I dozed……

 The silvery moon spreading a soft light
The twinkling stars bringing in the night

I thought of the bird in the tree sleeping
Did it have a dream in its wing?

 A few leaves fell and as they fell
It looked like the tree had a story to tell….

 I sat still, very still, waiting to hear;
The branches and leaves all came near

“We are all here on the tree
But the leaves down there you see
A while ago with us they were
Not knowing it would soon all get over
And till the last moment
Long after the sun had set
They sat very complacent
Thinking they would always be up here…..”

Didn’t they have any dreams? I wonder!

They had ample time for it
Are they now full of regret?

Under the soil they’ll soon disappear
Or the breeze will take them somewhere far

Never to come back, never again to this tree…

Life is very precious
But we’re in a constant rush
To our dreams we say “Hush!”

So spread your wings and hurry
A dream your wings will carry

What if wide awake I always kept
And did everything perfect
Never letting my wings fly
and let my dream sigh and die?

A colorless life is that
Where morning to night
For the money we work
Then in glory we soak

Uncaring for the bird and her song
For the day is always so long
Uncaring for the music in the wind chime
For fear of slipping behind and losing time

You’re not alone my friend, do not fear
Many like you are yonder
Some a little lost, some little unsure

“Am I running too fast, too far?”
Perhaps at times they wonder!

Time becomes wings, time flies by
Time becomes wings, my dreams will never die.


To search for a meaning in life
I dive deep into my mind
More dreams keep cocooning there
I’m now sure with time wings they’ll find…..